
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Its the Little Things

In my humble way I try to celebrate Thanksgiving every day -- after all I have so very much to be thankful for.  As the 'formal' day of thanksgiving approached I got to thinking about the 'little' things in my life that I'm thankful for - the very little things!  What brings joy and delight to me each day in small, easy to overlook ways.  So here are a few that I've come up with. 

This view out my kitchen window, into the forest, and on the window sill three old bottles.  One of the bottles has been stamped with this quotation by Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year."  I love that -- as I start out on my early morning walks I recite that quote to myself, under my breath, like a whisper to start the day.  Each and every day.

This 'wall' of ribbons.  These ribbons and fibers grace my studio.  Everytime I walk by they dance in the slightest breeze.  I sometimes think they are reaching out to me - 'use me in your next project', 'no, pick me'.  Their colors, their ephemeral beauty speak to me each day.

These simple 'tools of the trade' - small, sharp scissors - an old spoon, very small, to scoop up recalitrant beads and my lovely 'thread catching bowl.

Oh yes, there are many, many 'big' blessings in my life - family, friends, home, health, the natural world around me and there are the not so visible blessings for which I am very thankful - tranquility, time, joy... too many to list.  But I never want to forget those small, very small joys that please me each day in their own way.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

"One single grateful thought raised to heaven is the most perfect prayer." - G. E. Lessing

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