If I had nothing else to be thankful for - I can always go to the word 'abundance'. We all have stashes -- but mine seem to grow every fall. That's when the fiber shows appear and all manner of 'goodies' are on display. Now who am I to deny a person a sale, especially when one can get 28 yards of fair trade silk chiffon strips for $4. One of my dear friends and I split this find - and still I'll never, ever use all of my share. In the meantime it hangs above my desk so that I can look at it. Sometimes that's enough of an excuse to add to my stash - the 'look at factor'.
And then there are the craft shops that have those bins in the back where they sell 'stuff' for $1. Okay - pretty hard to walk past that. Who in the world needs a huge bundle of pom-poms? Certainly not me -- but the colors were fun, the puffy balls fun to touch and well...
Never a knitter nor a crocheter will I be (due to the fact that I lack the dexterity of a walrus) but does that mean I don't have yarn in my stash? Of course not -- there it is this 'puddle' of softness, sitting in a wire basket along with other acquisitions.
What can I say? These things make me happy. Its easy to justify it all as 'pieces of art' in a raw form - many of them destined to never go further than their studio setting. They are doing their job of exciting me each and everyday with the beauty of fiber.
"Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance." - Epicurus