The book centers around a young woman trying to discover her past and her mother who had abandoned her. Her mother was a mixed media artist creating fabric collages. One of the descriptions of her work included several techniques including photo transfer, beadwork, silk ribbon embroidery and loop-pile embroidery. As I read the words 'loop-pile embroidery' I wondered if that couldn't be another name for punchneedle work. I jumped onto the computer and found a listing for Missy Stevens wherein she describes her work as 'loop-pile embroidery' done with a punchneedle.
Missy Stevens
I love it when something randomly wonderful comes my way - like a used book, which contains a new-to-me description of what I do, that leads to finding the lovely work of another artist. Serendipity at its best!
"Serendipity - the faculty for making desirable but unsought-for discoveries by accident."