Opening the closet door (or any doors in this house lately) often brings a surprise. This time it was the hall closet - where the vacuum cleaner resides. It is probably the least favorite of all of my appliances -- but one must use it occasionally for appearances if for no other reason.
There, seated upon this machine sat an "Unlikely" who was being quite annoying by saying over and over again "vroom, vroom, vroom". "Okay, enough of that, you're making too much noise". "But I want to ride this great machine".
So off we went to the entry way where I vacuumed and he went 'vroom'. What excitement in such a small package. After the ride was over I asked his name - turns out it is "Not Unlikely". I pointed out to him that is a double negative which in this case turned out to be a positive. I must try to locate him when I vacuum later this week -- he made the whole thing quite fun.
"Its kind of fun to do the impossible." - Walt Disney