
Thursday, April 4, 2013


Harbinger n. one who goes before and makes known the approach of another.

This gentle figure has been very patient with me.  As I worked on him - using the newspaper armature process - then covering all with paper clay - he sat there quietly.  As his body developed a bit off center, he made not a sound of complaint. 

Toward the end of the process -- when a head piece was needed -- I decided that at the very least he deserved a crown.

He also deserved, and got, a colorful set of clothes with a button that looks like it was made specifically for him.  I'm looking forward to having him watch over me as a whole new series based on his model come to life.  Hopefully each of them will be as patient as he has been.

"Find patience in the breath of life." - Ryunosuke Satoro


  1. Now, this one is so cute! I especially like his cheerful colors, and that button is perfect! But don't expect his friends yet to come to be as patient and quiet. I'm sure there will be a few upstarts in the group, and you will have to ship the whole chatty bunch off to join the others in Penny's People. :)

  2. His head is amazing! You're getting really good very quickly! I've tried it and know how difficult it is!

  3. He is quite a fellow. I especially like his headgear. He doesn't look autumn at all. I think that button was made for him and just waiting for him to come to life. His name is certainly befitting him.
    xx, Carol

  4. Another lovely serene face - he really does seem to be waiting, doesn't he? And The colours of his motley are such a lovely harmonious blend.

  5. He's a splendid fellow - a herald of future friends?



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